Season Sponsors
Presenting Underwriters
Concert Sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities
Concert Sponsor
Benefits of concert sponsorship include:
- Ten (10) Concert Ticket vouchers available for use at any PSO concert except the Holiday Concert.
- Quarter page full-color ad in all 7 concert programs.
- Lobby display space at selected concert. (space is limited-- reserved on a first-come, first-served basis for each event)
- Logo recognition in rotating PSO slideshow presentation before the performance and during intermission.
- Logo recognition on PSO website.
- Logo recognition on PSO Partners banner which is displayed all season.
Presenting Underwriter
Benefits of concert sponsorship include:
- Twenty-five (25) Concert Ticket vouchers available for use at any PSO concert except the Holiday Concert.
- An immersive client or employee experience customizable to Presenting Underwriter's wishes.
- Half page full-color ad in all 7 concert programs. (full page ad for selected concert program, placed opposite the evening's printed program)
- Lobby display space at selected concert.
- One visual slide included in rotating PSO slideshow presentation before the performance and during intermission.
- Logo recognition on PSO website.
- Logo recognition on PSO Partners banner which is displayed all season.
Season Sponsor
Benefits of season sponsorship are tailored to each sponsor to meet their specific marketing and community engagement goals. Standard benefits include:
- Season sponsorship listing for every concert.
- Sponsorship recognition for one season fundraising event of choice.
- Complimentary full page advertisement in all 7 concert programs.
- 100 ticket vouchers to select PSO concerts.
- One visual slide to be included in PSO slideshow before the concert and during intermission at each concert.
- Lobby display space for your company at each concert.
- Your company logo in the season brochure, Score magazine and applicable displays.
- Acknowledgement during the pre-concert announcement.
- Logo displayed on PSO website as a season sponsor.
- Nomination to the PSO Board of Directors.
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
- Father Daughter Dance
- PSO Academy
- Paducah Symphony Youth & Children's Chorus
- Summer Music Camp
SCORE Concert Program
You can support the PSO by purchasing an ad in our program!
SCORE serves as our concert program and often features content about our activities. Score is published three times per year (September, November, and February). The magazine is mailed directly to every subscriber, sponsor and donor, and distributed at each PSO concert.
For more information regarding advertising, please contact Bailey Arnett.
Thank you, supporters of the Paducah Symphony Orchestra!
The Paducah Symphony Orchestra gratefully wishes to acknowledge our supporters for their generous sponsorship!
Their support allows us to continue to bring world-class performances to this region. Corporate partnerships enable us to keep our doors open, make ticket prices affordable for everyone, and enrich our community through music.
In Kind Sponsors & Partners

Mailing Address
Paducah Symphony Orchestra
401 Walter Jetton Blvd. Building 4
Paducah, KY 42003
(270) 444-0065
Copyright 2025 Paducah Symphony Orchestra